In community service journal mega project

Kampung Jijan's Community Service

Zumba session group 56 with Kampung Jijan's community

On 4th February 2018,group 56 have organised mega project for community service's subject.The mega project was held at Kampung Jijan which is in Kota Seriemas area.The team leader for this mega project already told us to get up early because our bus will pick us around 7.30 am.In the morning,all of us were ready and gather at the car park.All of us wore jersey that we made just for the mega project.
Group 56 participated well the zumba session. Everyone were enjoyed during the event.
After waiting for a few minutes,team leader and his committee gives some advise on what we will do when arrive at the 'kampung'.Then, we ride the bus and went to Kampung Jijan. We arrived at Kampung Jijan's field where there is a football field and Kampung Jijan's committee building.We start of the event with zumba session by one of the committee there.Everyone participated well because the zumba session were so fun.The session lasted for about 1 hour. We ate our breakfast after the zumba before each group went to their assign place. My group were assigned to help one of the villagers. We went to the house with a van because the road to this house is so narrow.
We arrived there and met the house owner who is an old lady who lives with her son but during our visit his son were not around.We introduced ourselves to her one by one and talked to her a bit before we do our work. We asked her how and what we can help her with, and she told us what to do. Our tasks are :

💥House chores
💥Clean watery vase to prevent dengue
💥Watering flowers
💥Gotong royong the house compound
Group photo with the house owner

We divided our group into two group.One group will do work inside the house and another one will do outside the house.
Doing house chores

First,we took out some of the furniture in the house to make us easy to clean the floor.We took out the chairs,coffee table and carpets.Some of us will swipe the floor,cleaning the dishes at the kitchen and mopped the floor.
Cleaning the fan so that there's no dust on it.This will be done first before swiping the floor.

Swiping the floor outside the house

Prepare to mopped the floor.

After mopped the floor,we arranged back the furniture and carpet.Everyone worked together so that we can finish early.

At the kitchen,our friends cleaning the dishes and the other wiped the dishes before putting it back onto the shelves.

Tidying the coffee table that full with newspapers

While some of us were busy tidied up inside the house,others were working outside the house which is house compound.
This is the house compound.It's quite large because the owner house filled with flowers and plants.She loves gardening.We cleaned the flower pots such as throwing stagnant water to prevent from Aedes.I also watering the flowers because the weather were too hot on that day.After that, we together raking up leaves and gather it at one place.We couldn't burn all the leaves because that area is where the airplane take off.The house owner said that she could get fine by the authority if we burn the trash because the smoke will disturb the airplane route.So,we just leave it in one place.

All the activity above were being done by all of us in the group.We work together so that we can finished the tasks early.But we couldn't make it early because there's too much to do at the house.We learned that by working together we can reduce the work if we sort out each work among us.

Our leader are so good because he gives clear instruction on what to do and we followed it.One of us will took pictures with their phone as an evidence to put in the blog.

After done cleaning the house.We took a rest and had a small talk with the house owner.She even make us a drink as a token of what we do at her house.
Took a rest after cleaning outside the house.We ate an ice cream that been bought by one of our members.

 Had a drink at the kitchen.
Finished all of our tasks!

After finished,we went back to the committee hall and do the closing ceremony.The village head were so thankful to us and he hope that there will be more collaboration event from our college because he enjoyed to work with us.

For the conclusion,we have a great teamwork among the group members.We had so much fun together while doing this charity.Even though we were tired,but we learned a lot from this program which is helping those who in need.I love to work with this group because we understand each other,have so many personalities which we enjoyed each others company, and we dont have any hard feelings towards each other.If there's a problem,we tried to confront each other so that we can solve the problem.I think that's all from me.

Thank you very much.

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